Since 2011
We have no paid employees. Donations cover the essentials: such as rent, veterinary care, food, enrichment toys, etc. Most animals that come into our rescue need basic vet care – vaccinations, flea treatment, spay/neuter. Here are just a few examples of how even a small donation can make a big difference:
1 month of cat litter for entire shelter
Initial vetting to get a kitty ready for adoption
Monthly Cage Sponsor - Covers basic essentials for a rescue cat/kitten
Become a Cage Sponsor
By sponsoring a cage for one year, you can help change the lives of many animals that need a second chance.
This is what Tails from the City provides with a cage sponsorship:
- Food, water, warm bedding, toys, and treats.
- Life saving medical treatment and vaccinations.
- Spay and neuter surgery.
- Rehabilitation for abused, or “special needs” animals.
- A home to call their own while waiting to be adopted.
This is what YOU get by sponsoring a cage:
- The joy in knowing that you are helping a shelter animal.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your donation may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for more information.

Donations of the following items are always needed and greatly appreciated:
- Purina Cat Chow
- Canned cat food
- Kitten food and KMR
- Cat treats and toys
- Clumping kitty litter
- Cat carriers
- Cheristin flea medications
- Pill Pockets
- Blankets and towels
- Scratching posts
- Hand sanitizer and hand soap
- Face masks and disposable exam gloves
- Paper towels, garbage bags
- Laundry detergent, fabric softener, bleach
- Clorox wipes, Spic and Span Floor Cleaner, dishwasher tabs, Dawn or Palmolive dish detergent
- Gift cards to pet stores, office supply stores, home improvement stores, general stores (Target/Walmart), and Costco
- Monetary donations for vetting, medications, rent, and enrichment toys
Please let us know if you have any donations. We can arrange pick up for large amounts.
100% of donations go directly to help animals in need!
What Drives Us
Our Mission
We are a non-profit, no-kill, all volunteer group dedicated to the rescue and re-homing of abandoned, abused, neglected and homeless animals. We provide a safe and loving environment for our pets, and work hard not only to care for them, but to find them permanent loving homes.
A memorial fund honoring Mike Traut, co-founder and former Tails President
In July of 2016, our beloved co-founder and Tails From The City President, Mike Traut, passed away after a long battle with cancer. He spent countless hours at the shelter doing what he loved – taking care of the kitties. He would greet each volunteer that entered the shelter with a smile and fill each volunteer shift sharing stories about current events, history, The Beatles and the newest cat we had taken in. He also did whatever was needed if it was in the best interest of the cats: whether it be picking up supplies, taking a cat to the vet, or just talking on the phone for hours about the future of Tails. Anyone that was lucky enough to have known him was fortunate to have met such a kind-hearted man, and those that never got the opportunity, surely missed out on knowing someone very special. The Tails family is missing the heart of our organization, but we know he is with us in spirit in everything we do.
One irrefutable fact about Mike is that he never said no to any cat that needed help. If it needed surgery to survive, Mike would say “do it.” If it needed to see a specialist, Mike didn’t hesitate. If a friend called him for advice on getting care for his own cat, Mike would say “take it to West Park.” So to honor the memory and true spirit of Mike, we have set up a special memorial fund called “Mike’s Miracles.”
We would like to continue to help cats that need extensive care in honor of Mike, and we can’t do that without YOU!
To make a donation in honor of Mike, please click on the DONATE button below. You may choose an amount you are comfortable with.